Bayesian Inference

Crema provides useful algorithms for both precise and approximate inference on Bayesian networks and graphs.

Exact Inference

Variable Elimination

The VariableElimination inference algorithm uses a given elimination sequence in order to perform the inference. Each elimination sequence depends on the structure of the model and the variable to query.

The implementation of this algorithm in Crema need an algebra to work. If this algebra is available externally, it is possible to use the VariableElimination<F> implementation; while if the existing FactorAlgebra is enough for the used factor, the wrapper class FactorVariableElimination<F> can be used.

Belief Propagation

The BeliefPropagation inference algorithm works by analyzing the model and build a JunctionTree. Then it will use the message passing algorithm to performing the inference.

Each call to the query() method will build a new JunctionTree from zero.

To perform an inference on a variable, as an example if you want the marginal of P(A), use the query() method as in the example below:

// P(A)
BayesianFactor pA = inf.query(model, A);

If you want to use evidence, you need to create first a TIntIntHashMap that will include the state of the various variables, in the belo case we query for P(A | B=0):

// P(A | B=0)
TIntIntHashMap evidence = new TIntIntHashMap();
evidence.put(B, 0);

BayesianFactor pAb0 = inf.query(model, evidence, A);

// P(A | B=0, C=1)
evidence = new TIntIntHashMap();
evidence.put(B, 0);
evidence.put(C, 1);

BayesianFactor pAb0c1 = inf.query(model, evidence, A);

This algorithm offers other ways to perform an inference. It is possible to build such tree once and query multiple variables at the same time. First instantiate the inference algorithm object. The inference engine will build an internal JunctionTree that will be used for the following queries.

BeliefPropagation<BayesianFactor> bp = new BeliefPropagation<>();

Then remember to call fullPropagation() to update the tree. This will return the posterior of a variable considered the root of the internal JunctionTree. This root variable is also the query variable.

factor = bp.fullPropagation(model, A);

// Perform the distribution step

// Perform the collection step
factor = bp.collectingEvidence(A);

Approximate Inference


Crema offers two implementation of StochasticSampling for BayesianFactor: the LogicSampling and the LikelihoodWeightingSampling. These sampling algorithms have different levels of precision based on the number of iterations performed.

Loopy Belief Propagation

This is an approximate version of the BeliefPropagation: is uses the same message passing algorithm but without the burden to build a junction tree. The performance, and quality, of the algorithm can be managed by the number of iterations to execute.