Getting StartedΒΆ

As a short introduction to Crema, let us consider the following code snippet, in which an credal network with 2 nodes is defined. Credal sets are specified by enumerating the extreme points or vertices. Finally, a conditional query is performed.

import ch.idsia.crema.core.ObservationBuilder;
import ch.idsia.crema.core.Strides;
import ch.idsia.crema.factor.credal.vertex.VertexFactor;
import ch.idsia.crema.model.graphical.DAGModel;

public class Starting {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double p = 0.2;
        double eps = 0.0001;

        /*  CN defined with vertex Factor  */

        // Define the model (with vertex factors)
        DAGModel<VertexFactor> model = new DAGModel<>();
        int A = model.addVariable(3);
        int B = model.addVariable(2);

        // Define a credal set of the partent node
        VertexFactor fu = new VertexFactor(model.getDomain(A), Strides.empty());
        fu.addVertex(new double[]{0., 1-p, p});
        fu.addVertex(new double[]{1-p, 0., p});

        // Define the credal set of the child
        VertexFactor fx = new VertexFactor(model.getDomain(B), model.getDomain(A));

        fx.addVertex(new double[]{1., 0.,}, 0);
        fx.addVertex(new double[]{1., 0.,}, 1);
        fx.addVertex(new double[]{0., 1.,}, 2);


        // Run exact inference
        CredalVariableElimination inf = new CredalVariableElimination();
        inf.query(model, ObservationBuilder.observe(B,0), A);
